महर्षि संतसेवी के सभी प्रवचन में आज के संदर्भ में सामाजिक उत्थान के लिए संतों के हिंदी उपदेश, वचन, व्यावहारिक ज्ञान, स्त्री उपदेश, सुरक्षित वचन,
Many devotees worship Lord Shiva, but the best fruits are realized by the devotion of this secret. He does not receive ordinary devotees. This book reveals the very secret of Lord Shiva. On seeing a secret 6th Foreword 'And A Secret Doctrine', the mind-scholar's mind - a lightning will come on the table and they will say in Harshitirak that it is a line of psyche. Not even a normal line in the lines of the psyche, but the inherent limit contained in Purushottam Lord Shriram is there, which is the retirement of Bhav.